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Relax. We're COVID-19 ready. 

Making sure that our clients and therapists are safe is our first priority. These days, that’s a greater challenge. But it’s one we’re fully prepared for.


We’ve ramped up our safety protocols and sanitation procedures so that you can continue to feel confident in Attune Body Management as your go-to for massage @ clinic and @ home. Our new policies and procedures meet or exceed the standards of local and national regulatory bodies for registered massage therapy.


Here’s how we’re helping to ensure you and your therapist stay safe (and how you can help too):

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Ontario RMTs are required to successfully complete the Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Core Competency tests developed by Public Health.

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We screen all therapists daily for COVID-19 symptoms.  

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Before and after your treatment, RMTs will thoroughly wash their hands, forearms and elbows with soap and water. They will also have Health Canada-approved hand sanitizer on hand (alcohol-based, with 60%-90% alcohol).

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Your therapist will clean all surfaces of the massage table including the face cradle, and use a disposable face cradle cover that is changed between clients.

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Therapists are required to use a “wipe twice” method on surfaces (wipe once to clean, wipe again to disinfect) using products approved by Health Canada.

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During your treatment, your therapist will wear a surgical/procedure mask (not cloth). They must also wear a mask whenever within 2 metres of another person. RMTs have been trained on safely using and disposing of PPE.

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In addition to hand hygiene, your RMT may choose to wear single-use latex gloves during your treatment, although this is not a requirement. If used, gloves will be changed between clients and properly disposed of. If you have a latex allergy, please advise your RMT before your treatment begins.

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For each treatment session, your therapist is required to keep detailed records of the infection prevention and control practices they followed.

What we ask you to do
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Do not book a session if:

  • You are experiencing any symptoms related to COVID-19

  • You have travelled internationally within the last 14 days

  • You have experienced any symptoms within the past 2 weeks. 

  • Anyone in your household has knowingly been exposed

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Please complete the COVID-19 Disclosure Form no later than 4 hours before your appointment. If we do not receive it, your booking will be cancelled and you will be charged a $50 cancellation fee. For same-day bookings, please complete the form as soon as your booking is confirmed. RMTs cannot provide treatment to someone with symptoms of COVID-19 regardless of the reason for treatment. You will be asked immediately prior to your appointment if your COVID-19 status has changed.

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If you are a new client, complete your Health History Form no later than 4 hours before your appointment. If we do not receive it, your booking will be cancelled and you will be charged a $50 cancellation fee. For same-day bookings, please complete the form as soon as your booking is confirmed.

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If a treatment is @ home, please provide a sink and soap for your therapist to wash up prior to your treatment.

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Wear a clean disposable mask throughout your treatment.

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Wash or sanitize your hands prior to treatment. We also recommend that you shower before your treatment.

Hours of Operation


Saturday & Sunday                 10am to 6pm

Monday to Friday                     9am to 9pm


Please note that all appointments are booked in advance and subject to a 24hr cancellation policy.


©2018 by Attune Body Management.

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